it took some time, but i think everyone should do it.take a journey of self-discovery...don't feel obligated to read all of mine.
100 things about me
1. I won’t buy white underwear or socks, they have to be colors or black.
2. I want to shave my head just once.
3. I really want my next pet to be a hairless cat
4. I always make new year’s resolutions, and I actually stick to them.
5.I love to nap
6. Pee is grosser than poo to me. I enjoy talking about poop.
7. I drink water constantly, therefore I have to pee constantly
8. I’d rather be blazing hot than a little bit cold
9. I used to break out in hives all the time
10. I like to shake my foot or leg to get to sleep and while my friends were annoyed by it, colin doesn’t mind it at all.
11. I hated yams until one year I suddenly loved them.
12. My phone is always on and always next to me. I take it to the bathroom with me.
13. I had no reservations or anxiety having my first child, but I am finding myself nervous about having the next one.
14. My son just spilled a glass of water everywhere and I’m not doing anything about it.
15. I tend to under-react when things happen because I grew up around over-reacters and it made me tense.
16. I love to read autobiographies and memoirs
17. I cheated my way through high school and college.
18. I don’t feel like I have a sense of style, or an eye for anything.
19. I say ‘I don’t care’ even if I do because I’m a people pleaser and I want them to be happy more than I want myself to be. And I’m ok with that.
20. I love being a starbucks barista.
21. healthy/real food is important to me. On that same note, I LOVE food!
22. I like things clean and organized, but I am not good at keeping things that way. My husband is obsessively clean and organized.
23. My husband said he would not propose to me until I cleaned out my car. I think he gave up on that one.
24. I love crossword puzzles. I think it runs in the family.
25. I am terrified by spiders
26. My first real boyfriend is now my husband.
27. I saw all 3 Lord of the Rings in the theater and fell asleep each time. I have no clue what the movies are about. Ditto for star wars.
28. I cloth diaper part time but I feel self-conscious when using a disposable in public, as if people are judging me. Logically I know that’s ridiculous as most people use disposables.
29. Most of the ‘green’ things I do in my life are purely for economic, not ecological reasons. I am very frugal.
30. I sing aloud or in my head easily 15 songs a day.
31. But I do not own any cd’s or an ipod.
32. I’d much rather buy a dvd at best buy than a cd
33. I have chronic back pain, have seen multiple chiropractors and massages are my favorite thing ever.
34. I had a brief phase of stealing and I stole- I don’t want to say how much- clothes and makeup. I caaaannnot believe I did that looking back.
35. I had 5 wisdom teeth.
36. I am extremely NOT visual. I don’t even know what color my bedroom walls are.
37. And so I have no sense of direction, whatsoever.
38. I’ve dropped my phone 5 times today so far, once on my son’s head
39. I love, love worship music
40. I purposely went one whole year without cutting my hair, not even a trim.
41. I don’t care too much about my appearance, I actually care too little. I have to make an effort to care.
42. I love embarrassing and awkward moments!
43. I love words. a vocabulary desk calendar would be a great gift for me
44. I want so bad to be bilingual. Spanish or sign language in particular.
45. I can hear colin singing in the shower right now
46. I have a little lisp. Some people deny this, some people point it out.
47. I’ve never broken a bone or gotten stitches [ok, besides wisdom teeth/birth stitches]
48. milk kinda grosses me out.
49. I brush my teeth 4-6 times a day
50. I’m a hypochondriac for sure.
51. I’m also a car-hypochondriac, if you will.
52. I’m great at business calls, refuting charges, negotiating, etc. this is from working in collections for victoria’s secret I believe.
53. I wish I had an accent, or at least could fake an accent, but no.
54. I think people look best in their sweats.
55. I put baby powder on my flips flops before I wear them
56. I always have to think for a second ‘is it a peach or a pear? Peach, ya ok. No wait, it’s a pear’.
57. I’ve kept makeup in my purse for years, with the idea of maybe needing it, but I’m not a re-applyer, I’ve never re-applied!
58. I don’t really like milk chocolate but I love dark chocolate
59. My husband and I call each other peanut, all the time, we don’t even realize it.
60. I know all the words to Rent
61. I know all the words to the movie Noises Off
62. I need to read my bible more.
63. I’ve never done any kind of drug, or even smoked a cigarette.
64. peanut butter is one my favorite things in the world [all natural crunchy please]
65. I’ve journaled consistently since age 9.
66. I have a birthmark on my left thumb and I like it. It’s just a tan thumb.
67. I really love playing piano
68. I think my thoughts are so random and unique but then again I’m sure they’re not.
69. I am always feeling like I need to do more-for the kingdom and glory of God.
70. I will confront people or call them out on things if need be. It’ll nag me till I do.
71. The toilet paper has to go over the top of the roll!
72. I enjoy paying bills and all things number-related.
73. I will never say no to free food.
74. I have no qualms about wearing the same outfit 3, 4….5 days in a row.
75. I like having practical jokes played on me, so go for it.
76. My glasses always end up a little crooked from laying down and reading while wearing them.
77. I always try to come up with analogies and they are always terrible.
78. I have a bad habit of trying to finish people’s thoughts and it’s usually way off i.e ‘and I was just feeling so…’ and I interject ‘ya, depressed.’ And them, ‘no, overjoyed’
79. I have a weird fear of mine or anyone else’s ear being folded forward. Aagh!
80. I once ate two chipotle burritos in less than an hour. [competition]
81. I love magazines, could read them all day.
82. I’ll buy a purse, love it for 3 days then suddenly I hate it and have to get a new one.
83. I hate the flute, but I was good at it. Annoyed when I got first chair. Quit soon after.
84. I don’t like wearing glasses, but contacts drive me crazy too.
85. I have a…sensitive conscience. I’ll be singing along to a song then ‘these lyrics aren’t very appropriate…’ then I begin thinking of what the song is saying, then I think about Jesus and so on.
86. I don’t buy jewelry, and I very rarely wear it.
87. Most of my incessant doodles are words- block letters and cursive.
88. When I sit at the piano I always start playing ‘shine, jesus shine’ first.
89. I love shoveling snow, mowing lawns and raking leaves.
90. I’m a pessimist for sure but in a positive way.
91. I love random phrases ‘close but no cigar’ ‘we’ve got bigger fish to fry’ and will be cheesy and use them in my conversations.
92. I order a venti ice water from starbucks just about every day and always feel a little bad about all the cups I’m going through
93. Flying by myself is something I hate and love to do at the same time.
94. I constantly figure words out backward in my head when I see them.
95. I don’t like meat but have yet to cut it out completely
96. I have several friends that I’ve known since the day I was born.
97. I swore up and down for 10 years that I’d name my son Peanut Butter. Maybe next kid.
98. eventually I’d like a half sleeve of tattoos. and then some.
99. I have an associates degree in nutrition, maybe someday I’ll use it.
100. I love Jesus more than anything else in this little world.