Sunday, June 15, 2008

father's day

this no internet at our home thing is getting really old.juuust about to the point of can't take it anymore.
don't have time to say much, i have pictures and videos to post next time i actually have time...
we are enjoying father's day today, have been enjoying the weather. and tomorrow is my last day o'work!
random thought
-how come one day we have 17 pacifiers and the next day i can only find 3?!
-how come he takes his longest naps on the days i really need him to wake up so i can get to somewhere?
-how come my son suddenly loves the singing duck he was terrified of and hates bathtime that he used to love?!
-how do i always manage to get late fees at the library when i try to be so careful about due dates?!
-i've been craving a milkshake for like a year now, that just needs to be said.
i will say as soon as my son turned 18 months old he suddenly became less shy and sensitive! it's been lovely to have him be more confident and happy right away around others..
ok an actual post is to come soon soon

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