i am stoked about awesomefest. i do not own a bike or know if i can endure the ride...i'm not a rocky fan per-say and i will need a babysitter.but i'm so going to do it! planning on it anyhow. check out the website to learn about it. assuming i do this i will get the bird tattoo.colin's parents have some nice bikes so i'm hoping to take a ride this week and see what 3 hours feels like. i can do a spinning class for an hour so i figure i can leisurely ride for 40 miles. we will see! it'd be really fun if i had another lady friend with me [ahem ahem jenny!!] yay awesomefest.
the weather has been lovely we have hit up...three parks this week. i feel a little stranger than i thought i would, quitting the starb.i feel like i need to be doing something.working toward something [awesomefest i guess].we really need to join a homegroup we haven't been in one really since...i was pregnant! aah.anyhow point being i'd like to be more involved with the church so i have something to focus on. you know, besides my family.kidding! in a way. two random things i would like to do maybe someday? become a doula and teach english to children in another country for 6 months or a year.i had two friends at work that did this in Japan. they house you, give you a stipend.. if you have kids they provide childcare!!! how flipping amazing.my friends had nothing bad to say about it and were trying for awhile to get me to do it. you have to be a college graduate though so that knocks colin out. and i only have an associate's degree [shame on us] so i am not sure if this counts.. ah, someday. ok, awesomefest, doula. maybe have another kid or two.or three. i'm on it!
so, i was getting a filling this week and while under the influence of laughing gas i ALSO thought i would want to be a doula or midwife. i remembered later that my dentist was talking the whole time about his wife who delivered with a midwife. i don't know if it was the laughing gas, the doctor, or what....but maybe it could happen!
im still trying to work out the details for awesomefest. the ride starts at 6 am andolive is too wee to stay the night somewhere off site i feel so what's a gal to do? time will tell. and of course i want to be a midwife too. or a pastry chef, you know me and my baking addiction :)
ps come over and eat strawberry cupcakes with us today!!
No shame on you. College is over-rated. :)
Awesome fest sounds, well, Awesome!
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