so yesterday was a pretty horrible day.i got ridiculously sick, where did that come from? colin left early for nashville and i wasn't feeling too well. it steadily got worse and was a crazy raging body ached like nothing else, chattering teeth/being hot and cold..swollen glands,headache. my temperature kept getting higher and higher.i took it at noon at it was 102.7. went to my mom's house for her to watch saylor while i eventually went up to 104.6.and an hour after more tylenol was still 103+. i could barely move, the sheets even hurt,all i called a nurse and they said 104+ is when they'd like you to go to the doctor. we decided to go to urgent care.this is not easy as by now it was 7pm ready for saylor to go hard to do this without colin! my kind dad met us there with the intention of taking saylor home [although not sure if he could really put him to sleep] but we all just ended up staying temp was still pretty high [and my heart was racing which i didn't like hearing,made me anxious but it makes sense] so they gave me a bunch more tylenol plus ibprofen to attack the dang fever. which it helped a bunch,sweated like the time i left it was down to 100something.the doctor was kinda odd.i said i was breastfeeding,he found out how old saylor was and just said '8 months?!! that's old. i mean i guess some people do it for a year'. like what!? i was like 'um ya i plan to do it at least a year.' and then he told me i shouldn't nurse him with this high of a fever.but the doc on the phone said i i did.i mean my milk has immunity in it.i'm washing my hands,etc... anyhow i tested negative for strep throat but the doctor was pretty convinced that's what it was when he looked at my throat.did another test to send somewhere but i got antibiotics anyhow [the z-pak].which i had to pick up at 930 at kroger and poor saylors so tired and my insurance hasn't been accepting me [i mean what] even though i called them and they said oh yes i don't know why that's happening. so i paid full price for it.and saylor has also decided to wake up a bunch more lately and not go down for naps easily either [he's currently crying actually].he's learned how to pull himself up so i don't know if that's related...he's actually had diarhea [sp?] for the past few days also so it'd been happening in the middle of the night, so we'd been rushing to him so....and i was up for a good 3hours last night feeling so nauseus [sp?!] i layed in the bathroom for a good hour.i mean what the heck.
anyhow i feel much better today,considering.gonna take it easy today but hopefully i'm ok as i have plans for thursday and friday/weekend.antibiotics have kicked so that's good.
so random.
mr.saylor whhhhyyyy? gotta go rock/soothe the little man.
Man, I just started crying when I was reading this. I was like, 'No! Fever, go down! No, don't get sicker!' Oh, we are praying for you, dear. Call me when you want, I don't want to call in case you are sleeeeeping. I am praying you can still come tomorrow, too.
hmm... 8 months is old?
Ummm I'm just exhausted reading that....glad you were feeling better to come and visit us!!! Yea, I'm reading this kinda late...anyhoo....word....
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